Source code for mql5_zmq_backtrader.mt5store

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import zmq
import collections
from datetime import datetime
import threading

from mql5_zmq_backtrader.adapter import PositionAdapter, OrderAdapter, BalanceAdapter

import backtrader as bt
from backtrader.metabase import MetaParams
from backtrader.utils.py3 import queue, with_metaclass
import sys

[docs]class MTraderError(Exception): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default = 'Meta Trader 5 ERROR' if not (args or kwargs): args = (default) super(MTraderError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ServerConfigError(MTraderError): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ServerDataError(MTraderError): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class TimeFrameError(MTraderError): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class StreamError(MTraderError): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class MTraderAPI: """ This class implements Python side for MQL5 JSON API See for docs """ # TODO: unify error handling def __init__(self, host=None): self.HOST = host or 'localhost' self.SYS_PORT = 15555 # REP/REQ port self.DATA_PORT = 15556 # PUSH/PULL port self.LIVE_PORT = 15557 # PUSH/PULL port self.EVENTS_PORT = 15558 # PUSH/PULL port # ZeroMQ timeout in miliseconds self.SYS_TIMEOUT = 1000 self.DATA_TIMEOUT = 10000 self.REQUEST_RETRIES = 3 # Lazy Pirate implementation self.sequence = 0 # Lazy Pirate request sequence # initialise ZMQ context self.context = zmq.Context() # connect to server sockets try: self.sys_socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) # set port timeout self.sys_socket.RCVTIMEO = self.SYS_TIMEOUT self.sys_socket.connect( 'tcp://{}:{}'.format(self.HOST, self.SYS_PORT)) # Lazy Pirate implementation self.poll = zmq.Poller() self.poll.register(self.sys_socket, zmq.POLLIN) self.data_socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) # set port timeout self.data_socket.RCVTIMEO = self.DATA_TIMEOUT self.data_socket.connect( 'tcp://{}:{}'.format(self.HOST, self.DATA_PORT)) except zmq.ZMQError: raise zmq.ZMQBindError("E: Binding ports ERROR") def _send_request(self, data: dict) -> None: """Send request to server via ZeroMQ System socket Lazy Pirate implementation. """ # ram Caller's name print("I: Caller 2 ", sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name) try: # ram sequence = 0 retries_left = self.REQUEST_RETRIES while retries_left: self.sequence += 1 request = str(self.sequence).encode() print("I: Sending (%s)" % self.sequence) print("data ", data) self.sys_socket.send_json(data) expect_reply = True while expect_reply: socks = dict(self.poll.poll(self.SYS_TIMEOUT)) if socks.get(self.sys_socket) == zmq.POLLIN: msg = self.sys_socket.recv_string() if not msg: break # terminal received the request if str(msg) == 'OK': print("I: Server replied %s" % msg) retries_left = 0 expect_reply = False else: print("E: Malformed reply from server: %s" % msg) else: print("W: No response from server, retrying…") # Socket is confused. Close and remove it. self.sys_socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.sys_socket.close() self.poll.unregister(self.sys_socket) retries_left -= 1 if retries_left == 0: print("E: Server seems to be offline, abandoning") break print("I: Reconnecting and resending (%s)" % self.sequence) # Create new connection self.sys_socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.sys_socket.RCVTIMEO = self.SYS_TIMEOUT self.sys_socket.connect( 'tcp://{}:{}'.format(self.HOST, self.SYS_PORT)) self.poll.register(self.sys_socket, zmq.POLLIN) self.sys_socket.send_json(data) # ram self.context.term() except zmq.ZMQError: raise zmq.NotDone("E: Sending request ERROR") def _pull_reply(self): # Get reply from server via Data socket with timeout try: msg = self.data_socket.recv_json() #ram except zmq.ZMQError: #ram raise zmq.NotDone('Data socket timeout ERROR') except zmq.Again as e: return None except zmq.ZMQError as e: logger.debug("W: Strange ZMQ behaviour during node-to-node message receiving, experienced {}".format(e)) return msg
[docs] def live_socket(self, context=None): """Connect to socket in a ZMQ context""" try: context = context or zmq.Context.instance() socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) socket.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(self.HOST, self.LIVE_PORT)) except zmq.ZMQError: raise zmq.ZMQBindError("E: Live port connection ERROR") return socket
[docs] def streaming_socket(self, context=None): """Connect to socket in a ZMQ context""" try: context = context or zmq.Context.instance() socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) socket.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(self.HOST, self.EVENTS_PORT)) except zmq.ZMQError: raise zmq.ZMQBindError("E: Data port connection ERROR") return socket
[docs] def construct_and_send(self, **kwargs) -> dict: """Construct a request dictionary from default and send it to server""" # default dictionary request = { "action": None, "actionType": None, "symbol": None, "chartTF": None, "fromDate": None, "toDate": None, "id": None, "magic": 1234, "volume": None, "price": None, "stoploss": None, "takeprofit": None, "expiration": None, "deviation": None, "comment": None } # update dict values if exist for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in request: request[key] = value else: raise KeyError('E: Unknown key in **kwargs ERROR') # send dict to server self._send_request(request) # return server reply return self._pull_reply()
[docs]class MetaSingleton(MetaParams): """Metaclass to make a metaclassed class a singleton""" def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): super(MetaSingleton, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) cls._singleton = None def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._singleton is None: cls._singleton = ( super(MetaSingleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)) return cls._singleton
[docs]class MTraderStore(with_metaclass(MetaSingleton, object)): """ Singleton class wrapping to control the connections to MetaTrader. Balance update occurs at the beginning and after each transaction registered by '_t_streaming_events'. """ # TODO: implement stop_limit # TODO: Check position ticket BrokerCls = None # broker class will autoregister DataCls = None # data class will auto register params = () # The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) _DTEPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1) # MTrader supported granularities _GRANULARITIES = { # (bt.TimeFrame.Ticks, 1): 'Ticks', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 1): 'M1', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 2): 'M2', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 3): 'M3', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 4): 'M4', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 5): 'M5', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 6): 'M6', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 10): 'M10', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 12): 'M12', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 15): 'M15', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 20): 'M20', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 30): 'M30', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 60): 'H1', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 120): 'H2', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 180): 'H3', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 240): 'H4', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 360): 'H6', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 480): 'H8', (bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, 720): 'H12', (bt.TimeFrame.Days, 1): 'D1', (bt.TimeFrame.Weeks, 1): 'W1', (bt.TimeFrame.Months, 1): 'MN1', } # Order type matching with MetaTrader 5 _ORDEREXECS = { # Market Buy order (bt.Order.Market, 'buy'): 'ORDER_TYPE_BUY', # Market Sell order (bt.Order.Market, 'sell'): 'ORDER_TYPE_SELL', # Buy Limit pending order (bt.Order.Limit, 'buy'): 'ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT', # Sell Limit pending order (bt.Order.Limit, 'sell'): 'ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT', # Buy Stop pending order (bt.Order.Stop, 'buy'): 'ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP', # Sell Stop pending order (bt.Order.Stop, 'sell'): 'ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP', # Upon reaching the order price, a pending Buy Limit (bt.Order.StopLimit, 'buy'): 'ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP_LIMIT', # order is placed at the StopLimit price # Upon reaching the order price, a pending Sell Limit (bt.Order.StopLimit, 'sell'): 'ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP_LIMIT', # order is placed at the StopLimit price }
[docs] @classmethod def getdata(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Returns `DataCls` with args, kwargs""" return cls.DataCls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def getbroker(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Returns broker with *args, **kwargs from registered `BrokerCls`""" return cls.BrokerCls(*args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, host='localhost'): super(MTraderStore, self).__init__() self.notifs = collections.deque() # store notifications for cerebro self._env = None # reference to cerebro for general notifications = None # broker instance self.datas = list() # datas that have registered over start self._orders = collections.OrderedDict() # map order.ref to oid self._ordersrev = collections.OrderedDict() # map oid to order.ref self._orders_type = dict() # keeps order types self.oapi = MTraderAPI(host) self._cash = 0.0 self._value = 0.0 self.q_livedata = queue.Queue() self._cancel_flag = False self.debug = True
[docs] def start(self, data=None, broker=None): # Datas require some processing to kickstart data reception if data is None and broker is None: = None return if data is not None: self._env = data._env # For datas simulate a queue with None to kickstart co self.datas.append(data) if is not None: elif broker is not None: = broker self.broker_threads() self.streaming_events()
[docs] def stop(self): # signal end of thread if is not None: self.q_ordercreate.put(None) self.q_orderclose.put(None)
[docs] def put_notification(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.notifs.append((msg, args, kwargs))
[docs] def get_notifications(self): """Return the pending "store" notifications""" self.notifs.append(None) # put a mark / threads could still append return [x for x in iter(self.notifs.popleft, None)]
[docs] def get_positions(self): positions = self.oapi.construct_and_send(action="POSITIONS") # Error handling # if positions["error"]: # raise ServerDataError(positions) pos_list = positions.get('positions', []) if self.debug: print('Open positions: {}.'.format(pos_list)) return [PositionAdapter(o) for o in pos_list]
[docs] def get_granularity(self, timeframe, compression): granularity = self._GRANULARITIES.get((timeframe, compression), None) if granularity is None: raise ValueError("W: Metatrader 5 doesn't support frame %s with compression %s" % (bt.TimeFrame.getname(timeframe), compression)) return granularity
[docs] def get_cash(self): return self._cash
[docs] def get_value(self): return self._value
[docs] def get_balance(self): try: bal = self.oapi.construct_and_send(action="BALANCE") except Exception as e: self.put_notification(e) # TODO: error handling # if bal['error']: # self.put_notification(bal) # continue try: self._cash = float(bal["balance"]) self._value = float(bal["equity"]) except KeyError as e: #ram self.put_notification(e) pass
[docs] def streaming_events(self): t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_livedata, daemon=True) t.start() t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_streaming_events, daemon=True) t.start()
def _t_livedata(self): # create socket connection for the Thread socket = self.oapi.live_socket() while True: try: last_candle = socket.recv_json() except zmq.ZMQError: raise zmq.NotDone("Live data ERROR") self.q_livedata.put(last_candle) def _t_streaming_events(self): # create socket connection for the Thread socket = self.oapi.streaming_socket() while True: try: transaction = socket.recv_json() except zmq.ZMQError: raise zmq.NotDone("E: Streaming data ERROR") self._transaction(transaction)
[docs] def broker_threads(self): self.q_ordercreate = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_order_create, daemon=True) t.start() self.q_orderclose = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=self._t_order_cancel, daemon=True) t.start()
[docs] def order_create(self, order, stopside=None, takeside=None, **kwargs): """Creates an order""" okwargs = dict() okwargs['action'] = 'TRADE' side = 'buy' if order.isbuy() else 'sell' order_type = self._ORDEREXECS.get((order.exectype, side), None) if order_type is None: raise ValueError("W: Wrong order type: %s or side: %s" % (order.exectype, side)) okwargs['actionType'] = order_type okwargs['symbol'] = okwargs['volume'] = abs(order.created.size) if order.exectype != bt.Order.Market: okwargs['price'] = format(order.created.price) if order.valid is None: okwargs['expiration'] = 0 # good to cancel else: okwargs['expiration'] = order.valid # good to date if order.exectype == bt.Order.StopLimit: okwargs['price'] = order.created.pricelimit # TODO: implement StopTrail # if order.exectype == bt.Order.StopTrail: # okwargs['distance'] = order.trailamount okwargs['comment'] = dict() if stopside is not None and stopside.price is not None: okwargs['stoploss'] = stopside.price okwargs['comment']['stopside'] = stopside.ref if takeside is not None and takeside.price is not None: okwargs['takeprofit'] = takeside.price okwargs['comment']['takeside'] = takeside.ref # set store backtrader order ref as MT5 order magic number try: okwargs['magic'] =["magic"] #Ram Magic number must be inmutable except KeyError: print(KeyError) okwargs.update(**kwargs) # anything from the user self.q_ordercreate.put((order.ref, okwargs,)) # notify orders of being submitted if stopside is not None and stopside.price is not None: if takeside is not None and takeside.price is not None: return order
def _t_order_create(self): while True: msg = self.q_ordercreate.get() if msg is None: break oref, okwargs = msg try: o = self.oapi.construct_and_send(**okwargs) except Exception as e: self.put_notification(e) return if self.debug: print(o) if o['error']: self.put_notification(o['description']) return else: oid = o['order'] self._orders[oref] = oid # keeps orders types self._orders_type[oref] = okwargs['actionType'] # maps ids to backtrader order self._ordersrev[oid] = oref
[docs] def order_cancel(self, order): self.q_orderclose.put(order.ref) return order
def _t_order_cancel(self): while True: oref = self.q_orderclose.get() if oref is None: break oid = self._orders.get(oref, None) if oid is None: continue # the order is no longer there # get symbol name order =[oref] symbol = # get order type order_type = self._orders_type.get(oref, None) try: if order_type in ['ORDER_TYPE_BUY', 'ORDER_TYPE_SELL']: self.close_position(oid, symbol) else: self.cancel_order(oid, symbol) except Exception as e: self.put_notification( "Order not cancelled: {}, {}".format(oid, e)) continue self._cancel_flag = True
[docs] def candles(self, dataname, dtbegin, dtend, timeframe, compression, include_first=False): tf = self.get_granularity(timeframe, compression) begin = end = None if dtbegin: begin = int((dtbegin - self._DTEPOCH).total_seconds()) if dtend: end = int((dtbegin - self._DTEPOCH).total_seconds()) if self.debug: print('Fetching: {}, Timeframe: {}, Fromdate: {}'.format( dataname, tf, dtbegin)) data = self.oapi.construct_and_send(action="HISTORY", actionType="DATA", symbol=dataname, chartTF=tf, fromDate=begin, toDate=end) candles = data['data'] # Remove last unclosed candle if not include_first: try: del candles[-1] except: pass q = queue.Queue() for c in candles: q.put(c) q.put({}) return q
'''ram def config_server(self, symbol: str, timeframe: str) -> None: """Set server terminal symbol and time frame""" conf = self.oapi.construct_and_send(action="CONFIG", symbol=symbol, chartTF=timeframe) # TODO Error # Error handling if conf["error"]: print(conf) if conf["description"] == "Wrong symbol dosn't exist": raise ServerConfigError("Symbol dosn't exist") self.put_notification(conf["description"]) '''
[docs] def check_account(self) -> None: """Get MetaTrader 5 account settings""" # ram Caller's name print("I: Caller 3 ", sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name) conf = self.oapi.construct_and_send(action="ACCOUNT") # Error handling if conf["error"]: raise ServerDataError(conf) for key, value in conf.items(): print(key, value, sep=' - ')
[docs] def close_position(self, oid, symbol): if self.debug: print('Closing position: {}, on symbol: {}'.format(oid, symbol)) conf = self.oapi.construct_and_send( action="TRADE", actionType='POSITION_CLOSE_ID', symbol=symbol, id=oid) print(conf) # Error handling if conf["error"]: raise ServerDataError(conf)
[docs] def cancel_order(self, oid, symbol): if self.debug: print('Cancelling order: {}, on symbol: {}'.format(oid, symbol)) conf = self.oapi.construct_and_send( action="TRADE", actionType='ORDER_CANCEL', symbol=symbol, id=oid) print(conf) # Error handling if conf["error"]: raise ServerDataError(conf)
def _transaction(self, trans): # Invoked from Streaming Events. May actually receive an event for an # oid which has not yet been returned after creating an order. Hence # store if not yet seen, else forward to processer oid = oref = None try: request, reply = trans.values() except KeyError: raise KeyError(trans) # Update balance after transaction # self.get_balance() if self.debug: print(request, reply, sep='\n') if request['action'] == 'TRADE_ACTION_DEAL': # get order id (matches transaction id) oid = request['order'] elif request['action'] == 'TRADE_ACTION_PENDING': oid = request['order'] elif request['action'] == 'TRADE_ACTION_SLTP': pass elif request['action'] == 'TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY': pass elif request['action'] == 'TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE': pass elif request['action'] == 'TRADE_ACTION_CLOSE_BY': pass else: return # try: # oref = self._ordersrev.pop(oid) # except KeyError: # raise KeyError(oid) if oid in self._orders.values(): # when an order id exists process transaction self._process_transaction(oid, request, reply) else: # external order created this transaction if self._cancel_flag and reply['result'] == 'TRADE_RETCODE_DONE': self._cancel_flag = False size = float(reply['volume']) price = float(reply['price']) if request['type'].endswith('_SELL'): size = -size for data in self.datas: if data._name == request['symbol']:, size, price) break def _process_transaction(self, oid, request, reply): try: # get a reference to a backtrader order based on the order id / trade id oref = self._ordersrev[oid] except KeyError: return if request['action'] == 'TRADE_ACTION_PENDING': pass if reply['result'] == 'TRADE_RETCODE_DONE': size = float(reply['volume']) price = float(reply['price']) if request['type'].endswith('_SELL'): size = -size, size, price, reason=request['type'])